The CHHA Foundation

The CHHA Foundation is a registered charitable fundraising organization established in 2001 to support the activities and programs of the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association (CHHA). CHHA is Canada’s only national non-profit consumer organization run by, and for, people with hearing loss.
CHHA currently depends on government grants and membership fees to fund its activities. Canada’s hearing loss population is growing and CHHA needs additional resources to fund its innovative programs. The CHHA Foundation was established as a separate body to raise and manage the investment of funds to generate new income on a year-to-year basis. The CHHA Foundation spends only the income on its investment, rather than the actual capital from donations. With their gifts to the CHHA Foundation, donors are, in effect, establishing a perpetual legacy through their donations. The interest from their capital provides income to support CHHA activities.
The CHHA Foundation accepts and manages not only money, but also other forms of donations such as life insurance, real property as well as stocks and bonds.
CHHA and the CHHA Foundation are two separate entities with their own Boards of Directors, Presidents and Officers. The Foundation makes its own decisions on how to invest its assets, and funds only activities as requested by CHHA. Every year, CHHA’s National Board of Directors makes its financial requirements known to the CHHA Foundation, which then pays out (contributes) as much of its earned income as possible to satisfy the request.
The CHHA Foundation supports only CHHA and its activities. This ensures that the funds donated are used for the needs and objectives of Canada’s hard of hearing community. CHHA also appoints a representative to the CHHA Foundation Board to provide a direct voice in the management of the Foundation’s affairs.
We appreciate your interest. If you wish your money to be used for immediate operational purposes in CHHA, you should donate to CHHA directly. But if you wish to help generate income for CHHA on a perpetual basis, you should make your donation to the CHHA Foundation. Even better, please consider donating to both organizations as your support is needed and deeply appreciated.
The Board of Directors is composed of the following volunteers:
- President: Carole Willans (Gatineau, Quebec)
- Vice-President: Leon Mills (St. John’s, NL)
- Treasurer: Christopher T Sutton (Vancouver, B.C.)
- Secretary: Anne Follows (Nanaimo, B.C.)
- Leslee Scott, Director-at-Large (Vancouver, B.C.)
Bowen Tang, Member -at- Large (Vancouver, B.C.)
Cash donations can be made by sending a cheque to the address below. But giving cash is not the only way to support the CHHA Foundation. Other forms of gifts not only make a substantial contribution, but may also provide you, or your estate, with substantial tax advantages. A brochure is being prepared to outline how you may donate life insurance policies, investments, ownership in a business, and other assets, or make a bequest in your will. If you have an immediate decision to make, and have some questions, please contact the CHHA Foundation Secretariat and we will get expert advice to you right away.
Contact Information
CHHA Foundation Secretariat
c/o CHHA 75 Albert Street, Suite 901
Ottawa, ON K1P 5E7
Toll-free: 1-800-263-8068 (in Canada)
Voice: 613-526-1584